Although I continue to work in two-dimensions, my artistic life for the past two decades has revolved primarily around mobiles and installations. These explorations of the interaction between mass and gravity span all styles from starkly minimal to rococo. My art practice allows me to address/express topics and issues which have formed my world view, whether they flow from environmental, mathematical, literary, scientific or emotional sources. Influenced to a great degree by Nature and natural objects/materials, my mobiles remind us of the many levels of the physical reality we inhabit. They also transcend it and often utilize gravity to seemingly defy it. In spite of their mechanical nature, the pieces are highly organic entities.
Two seemingly unrelated domains remain constant and important influences on my process: seashells and chemistry. My longstanding fascination with the intricate patterns on shells has allowed me to develop an understanding of chaos in ordered arrangements and, conversely, the order in randomness, notions which are very relevant to my work. Chemical concepts, in particular my deep interest in the dynamic properties of complex molecules, have provided me with invaluable insight from which I continuously draw on when considering the kinetic aspects of my art.
The Leonardo article below provides more detailed information about mobiles and my process. I can gladly send you a .pdf version